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B.Com with BDA

Business Data Analytics is a systematic and methodical presentation of data of any organization which is driven out of statistical and numerical analysis. Business analytics is a method which is used by the majority of companies today in order to make decision making effective and efficient. Thus, Business analytics course is a course which helps the students to learn the need and use of business analytics.

Taught as one of the most selected specialization courses in BCom, Business Data Analytics serves as a systematic process which is a combination of Data Analytics and Business Intelligence on the basis of which companies rely on their process of management, i.e. Planning for future goals, controlling the combination of capital and manpower, organizing the process in an efficient way possible, coping up with future-oriented goals and making analysis on the basis of Business Analytics.

BCom in Business Data Analytics prepares students in developing their skills in making business strategies and formulating plans of how to conduct a systematic analysis of organization data and evaluating the best possible outcome that will lead to achieving organizational objectives. Business Analytics is a subset of Business intelligence and specifically focuses on implementing the identified goals into actions. Business intelligence is generally descriptive in nature which provides tools and methods to identify, categorize and analyze raw data and compares with past and current operation.


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